Classic Bouquet "Scarlet Whisper"
Flower box «Vanilla Sky» with roses, hydrangea, carnation and matthiola
Pink Melody – Signature Rose Bouquet
Caffè Latte Basket with white hydrangea and rose
Basket Cupid's Charm with roses and hydrangea
Basket Enchanting Amour with roses and matthiola
Flower box «Enchanting amour» with roses
Flower box "Whispers of Love" with roses
Bouquet "Ranunculus bombastic blossom"
Signature Bouquet "Love Symphony"
Flower box "Red velvet" with red roses
Flower basket "Vanilla Sky" with roses, hydrangea, carnation and matthiola
Flower box "Floristic Fountain" with red and pink roses
Monobouquet with 20 Rose Spray Rubicon
Bouquet with 25/50/75 Rose Explorer
Bouquet with light pink hydrangea flowers
Flower basket "Scarlet charm" with 75 red roses
Strawberry Mojito Classic Bouquet
Classic bouquet "Whispers of Love" with roses and hydrangea
Bouquet with 25 / 50 / 75 quicksand roses
Basket Whispers of Love with hydrangea and roses
Simple Bouquet "Sweet Candy" with roses and hydrangea
Flower basket "Red Garden" with red tulips