How to care for indoor plants?

    How to care for indoor plants?

    Alena Nyrkova

    My name is Alena and I am the creator of the flower business Bloom Boom. My main passion is to create beautiful and aesthetic compositions. I believe in the power of flowers and their ability to evoke emotions and add beauty to people's lives. Each flower I choose has a role to play in creating a story that inspires joy and gratitude in people. I am proud that my business helps people express their feelings and create unforgettable experiences in special moments of their lives. Weddings, anniversaries, holidays - I create flower arrangements that become symbols of love, hope and joy.

    data published: Jul 08 2024

    data modified: Aug 06 2024

    time to read: 7 minutes

    Caring for indoor plants is a fascinating activity that can turn into a full-fledged hobby. There are several key rules that you can follow to keep your home garden in perfect condition and enjoy its beauty. And this is available not only to professionals. Just read the article and be patient. It takes time for your collection of flowers in pots to reveal themselves in all their glory, but the result is worth it!


    Key takeaways

    • Each plant requires specific conditions including temperature, humidity, watering, fertilization, and lighting. Adhering to these needs ensures optimal growth and development.
    • Donkey's Tail: this succulent thrives in well-lit areas, ideally on south-facing windowsills. Watering should be adjusted to prevent overwatering and under-light conditions should be avoided.
    • Money Plant (Crassula): prefers temperatures between +22-28°C in summer and +8-16°C in winter. Water with settled, warm water, ensuring to drain excess water from the tray. Clean leaves regularly and feed monthly during the growing season.
    • Succulents: known for low maintenance, succulents require infrequent watering and plenty of sunlight. During autumn and winter, water less frequently, about once every two weeks or monthly if temperatures drop.
    • Peace Lily: grows well in moderate sunlight and partial shade. Water once a week and reduce in winter. Regularly mist leaves with soft or distilled water, and avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn.
    • Dieffenbachia: needs bright, indirect light and a room temperature above 17-18°C. Maintain humidity and avoid drafts. Regularly spray and wipe leaves with warm water to keep them healthy and vibrant.
    • Dracaena (Corn Plant): use boiled, settled, or filtered water for irrigation. Water evenly and remove excess from the tray. Different species have varying water needs. Clean leaves regularly and feed with appropriate fertilizers during the growing season.

    The list of the easiest indoor plants to take care of

    Don't have time to care for flowers? No problem! We have selected six of the most unpretentious plants that do not require regular watering, can easily tolerate lack of light, dust, dry air and drafts, and do not need frequent replanting. These easy care indoor plants will fit perfectly into any interior and become its real decoration. These include lavender, donkey tail, money tree, succulents, spathiphyllum (peace lily), dieffenbachia and dracaena (corn plant).

    Indoor plants care tips

    Surely many have noticed that some indoor plants actively grow and bloom regularly, while others stand still or die altogether. The reason for this is unsuitable conditions. This is unpleasant, but the good news is that you can influence it. To do this, it is important to understand how to properly care for easy to care for indoor plants.

    For normal growth and development, plants need a certain microclimate. This includes temperature, humidity, watering, fertilization and lighting. Comprehensive compliance with these conditions allows you to create an optimal environment in which plants will feel comfortable. Let's take a closer look at how to care for the flowers on our list so that they always make you happy.

    How to care for a donkey's tail?

    Donkey's Tail is one of the most unpretentious succulents. The only difficulty in growing them is achieving flowering, which can be quite difficult, but the decorative qualities of the green mass completely compensate for this shortcoming.

    Donkey's Tail requires good lighting throughout the year. The best place for a pot with this plant is south windows. Western and eastern windows are also suitable, but provided there is no shading. On the north side there will not be enough light. In winter, the lack of lighting can be compensated with the help of phytolamps.

    How to care for a money plant?

    Money plant (crassula) is undemanding to temperature and grows well at +22-28°C. In winter, during the dormant period, it needs +8-16°C; When it's hot, the leaves may fall off. The small indoor plants can be placed on a heated loggia or balcony.

    Water with settled, filtered, boiled warm water. In summer - once every 15-25 days (for young trees - weekly), in autumn - monthly after the soil has dried out by 4-5 cm. In winter, water when the leaves begin to become soft. Drain excess water from the pan immediately. Spraying is not required, but the leaves need to be cleaned with a damp cloth or given a warm shower, covering the soil with film.

    From spring to autumn, fat money plants need to be fed once a month with complex fertilizers for cacti and succulents, which are applied during watering. If the plant is transplanted into new soil, fertilizers are not required until next summer.

    How to care for succulents?

    Succulents are low-maintenance plants, so they can be grown by both beginners and experienced collectors. The main quality of indoor succulent plants care is their ability to store moisture in their fleshy leaves or stems for an extended period of time, making them able to withstand infrequent watering and resistant to drought. Lighting plays an important role for succulents. They need sunlight, so it is best to place them on or near a windowsill. In the autumn-winter period, if necessary, additional lighting can be used. In hot weather, succulents should be shaded from direct sunlight to avoid burns.

    In the autumn-winter season, succulent plants care indoor is watered approximately once every two weeks. At temperatures of 13-15 degrees, watering is reduced to once a month. In spring and summer, the frequency of watering is approximately once every 1.5-2 weeks, depending on the microclimate of your home. In hotter conditions, you should carefully monitor the soil moisture and water the plants as it dries out completely. In cool conditions, watering is reduced.

    How to care for a peace lily?

    Peace lilies indoor plants prefer moderate sunlight and thrive in partial to partial shade. These plants can grow successfully under fluorescent lighting and look great in windowless spaces. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, this indicates excess light. The optimal location for a peace lily is 6 to 8 feet from a north or west facing window. The peace lily itself will signal the need for watering when its inflorescences begin to curl and wither. The plant does not need frequent watering; Watering it once a week is usually sufficient. During the period of active growth, it is recommended to spray the leaves with soft, low-nutrient or distilled water. During the cold season, the amount of water should be reduced. The best indoor plants

    are stable and quickly recover when sprayed.

    The peace lily is a beautiful houseplant that prefers warm temperatures and a humid climate. It is ideal for the bedroom or office as it grows well in the shade and does not tolerate direct sunlight. However, if you have pets, it is best to keep them away from this plant or make it so that they cannot get to it.

    How to care for dieffenbachia?

    To care for Dieffenbachia at home, it is important to follow several rules. This plant loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, which can cause burns on the leaves. The room temperature should not fall below 17-18 degrees. It is important to maintain sufficient air humidity, especially in winter, so that the leaves do not dry out. Dieffenbachia indoor house plants are sensitive to drafts and sudden changes in temperature; with a lack of light, the trunk stretches, the leaves fall and break.

    If dieffenbachia is provided with comfortable conditions, new leaves appear every week. Lack of light can cause leaves to lose color and shine. Care includes regular spraying and wiping the leaves with warm, settled water. To remove white spots on the leaves, you can use non-alcoholic beer, gently wiping the leaves with a dampened cloth. It is enough to wipe the leaves once a week to maintain their healthy appearance.

    How to care for corn plants?

    Dracaena at home requires special attention to the quality of water for irrigation. The basic rule is to use boiled, settled or filtered water. Watering is carried out from above, evenly moistening the soil, and after 20-25 minutes, excess liquid is removed from the pan. Broad-leaved dracaena palm plants indoor care species need more water than narrow-leaved ones, which is important to consider when caring for different species.

    In summer, watering is carried out when the upper third of the substrate dries, and in winter - once every 5-7 days. Overdrying and waterlogging can harm the roots of the plant. Once or twice a month, the leaves should be cleaned of dust with a soft damp cloth, sometimes taking a warm shower and covering the soil with film. For proper care of dracaena at home, timely feeding is important. Use complex fertilizers or special ones for exotic large indoor plants. During the period of active growth (from spring to late summer), fertilization is carried out every two weeks, and in autumn and winter - during dormancy.

    Order indoor plant at Bloom Boom shop

    In our store you can order a variety of good indoor plants that will add beauty and comfort to your home. We have in stock such plants as Meerlo Lavender (Lavandula), Dieffenbachia (Dumb Cane), Spathiphyllum Peace Lily (Peace Lily), Swedish Ivy, Sedum morganianum (Donkey's Tail), Blue Liriope, Salvia Clevelandii (Blue Sage), Dracaena Fragrans, Rosmarinus and Crassula Ovata (Money Plant). Caring for these plants is easy if you follow our recommendations. They will delight you with their beauty and healthy appearance for a long time.


    It is impossible to imagine creating coziness in your home without fresh flowers. We offer a variety of plants that will add beauty and harmony to your interior. To help you make the right choice, we have carefully studied the rules for caring for indoor plants. This information will help you choose flowers that will not only please the eye, but also give your home a long-awaited coziness.


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